For a long time I wanted to do a sort of catalog of panels shots and frames of different authors, to keep as a reference when preparing storytellings. Sometimes you get stuck in a kind of concrete shots and do not know how to get out of there... and the solution tends to happen by having a look to see how another author resolves a similar situation. But often do not have time to thoroughly document yourself and a "catalog" as I am preparing it can be very useful.

He empezado con Frank Miller y en concreto con su Daredevil y apenas he revisado un tercio del onnibus y ya me han salido unos 150 encuadres que me resultan interesantes o distintos de los que habitualmente utilizo. De momento pararé con Miller y seguiré con Stearanko.
I started with Frank Miller and specifically with Daredevil and hardly have reviewed a third of the onnibus and I have about 150 frames that I find interesting or different from those commonly used. For now I'll stop with Miller and will follow with Stearanko.

Los planos los he clasificado en 4 categorías: acción, reacción, conversación y silencio. Había muchas formas de clasificarlos, pero me he decantado por esta porque creo que casi cualquier situación que podemos encontrar en una narración obedece a uno de estos 4 estados y que en solitario o combinadas generan dinámicas narrativas por si mismas. De esta manera, simplemente identificando la categoría que propone la escena del guión, puedo encontrar múltiples soluciones fácilmente.
I have classified the frames into 4 categories: action, reaction, conversation and silence. There are many ways to classify them, but I opted for this because I think almost any situation that we find in a story belongs to one of these 4 states; and alone or combined they generate narrative dynamics for themselves. In this way, just identifying the category proposed by the scene of the script, I can easily find multiple solutions.