On sale in April in Spain Flashpoint: Secret Seven published by ECC and Marvel Zombies Supreme by Panini.
Estaré firmando y haciendo dibujos en el stand de ECC, el jueves y viernes de 20 a 21h y el sábado de 19:30 a 21h.
I'll be signing and sketching in the ECC booth, thursday and friday from 20 to 21h and saturday from 19:30 to 21h.
Para ilustrar la noticia os dejo unos lápices de Marvel Zombies con una de las escenas que más satisfecho quedé y los layouts de 4 páginas de Secret Seven que quedaron sin publicar, porque al final George Pérez pudo terminar esas páginas a tiempo.
Illustrating that news you can see some Marvel Zombies Supreme pencils with one of the scenes that I was happier and some Secret Seven unpublished layouts, because at the end, George Pérez was able to complete his pages in time.